Tuesday, June 9, 2009

sculpture w.i.p.'s

the first two are different views of the same bulb-head sculpture i am currently working on, the second was for a show at a school, and is probably not done...sorry for the photo quality, but my camera isnt working so i'm having to use my phone

some of the nicer shtuff from last year

all of these are going to go into a book of sketched characters...consider this a sneak peak

Sunday, June 7, 2009

spilt in the jeep

the first picture is my wall, sorry it was before i smoothed it out...but i'm far too impatient for that...and i truly hope u take the time to look close and understand the "NAKED" poster/throw up/paste up/piece of shit...as the booby bear, turle nipples, and burger king make far less sense. The scandalously clad gray and purple man in the other photographs, all taken on my cell phone for lack of a better method of recording this event is a good friend of mine, with a very bad work ethic...but regardless, you can c this ne'er-do-well's wall piece in repetitive progress.
i feel as though i must add this line to make even.